Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why Is Prayer important


If prayer is the root of religion

Prayer is the pillar of religion

Prayer is the way to meet God

Because of the servant's salvation

Prayer will take the servant to paradise

And the prayer will take the servant to Hell

Prayer is the only way to connect with God

Prayer is the reason for forgiveness in the Hereafter

Those who love prayer

Those are the successful ones

Prayer brings relief to the heart

By offering us a prayer?

The difference between Christianity and Muslim is known

It is through prayer that one comes away from the desires of the world

And becomes closer to the Lord

How can we survive if we do not establish prayer while we are in the world?

In the grave, we are counted

Those who pray are never afraid and enjoy the usefulness of the world

They wait only for the Book of the Hereafter

Someone from Allaah asked, what is the contact number of Allah with which you speak

The answer he got was the number only prayer

If you do not trust the shelter of the world, you will suddenly suffer death

Curly repentance is the mercy of the Lord, otherwise evil will be punished in the grave

Space is not a world to be awakened. It is a lesson not to be a spectacle

Now the person who has read this post got up and it is time for the Jansi prayer

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